Car Wash For Sale!  

This Main Street, Muskogee car wash for sale is located in Northeastern Oklahoma. This is a credit card and cash business. 

This business is for sale and includes: 2 Automatics, 8 Self-service bays, 10 Vacuums under a covered detail area.  Upstairs offices and storage.

Undeveloped land available for storage units or other income producing business.

Attendant and Visitor Area with Separate Entrance Main Street Muskogee OK

Attendant and Visitor Area with Separate Entrance.

All Concrete Lot Main Street Muskogee OK

All Concrete Lot.

Equipment Room.  Automatic Pump Stand and Self-service Pump Stand.

Out Building and Covered Canopy Main Street Muskogee OK

Upstairs Offices, Storage, or Apartments. Be Sure to Check Code for Usage.

Downstairs Private Office with Separate Entrance Main Street Muskogee OK
Garage Door to Shop or Storage Separate Entrance for Equipment Room Main Street Muskogee OK

Additional Land for Storage Units

Out Building and Covered Canopy

Additional Land for Storage Units or Other Income Producing Project Main Street Muskogee OK
Separate Entrances for Visitor Area and Equipment Room, Upstairs Offices or Storage, and Private Office Main Street Muskogee OK
Upstairs Offices, Storage, or Apartments Main Street Muskogee OK


Downstairs Private Office with Separate Entrance

Separate Entrances for Visitor Area and Equipment Room, Upstairs Offices or Storage, and Private Office

Garage Door to Shop or Storage.  Separate Entrance for Equipment Room

OTTO Car Washes, LLC


Equipment Room Automatic Pump Stand and Self-service Pump Stand Main Street Muskogee OK

Multi-Purpose Property

This property can be operated as an car wash or be converted to a combination office-storage-garage-shop-complex. 

Building Size: 2,999 SF

Lot Size: 1.25 AC

Close to Tulsa, OK, Broken Arrow, OK, Ft. Smith, AR, Fayetteville, AR